Thursday, July 06, 2006

One year on tomorrow

I can't believe that it was a year ago tomorrow that the bombings in London happened. It seems so long ago. You just get on with life because you have to. I feel lucky that no one i know was hurt or even killed that day. Alot of people can't say that and sometimes i feel bad that we were alright. As a scrapbooker i had to get it in a album to remind myself and also future generations how awful it was on that day. So i did these LO's

I think that they speak for themselves and are powerful and make you think even a year on.
In a way it seems so unreal. I don't know about the rest of you but between 9 and 10 in the morning my thoughts will be with everyone that was injured or lost a loved one. I may even light a candle.


Lorraine said...

They hold the same feeling today as they did a year ago, Beth. Poweful images.

Jan said...

Well done, baby.