Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I know it's early but i know what I'm doing for on Christmas day. For the first time I'm spending it in my own home. It's going to be just the two of us. We are going to spend the day in our pj's and do what we like. I know it's selfish but it's happening and no one is going to change it. I don't want to see anyone else on the day but i will answer the phone, emails and go on a couple of forums. At the moment i plan to do a roast for us but i may change my mind nearer the time.
There are some fab deserts in Aldi at the moment i think i may get a couple of those in for christmas.
I'm really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

jakey said...

After I split with my ex, and before Carlos and I found each other, I had a couple of Christmasses alone with the girls. This was my choice - I had plenty of offers from family, but wanted to be here in our own home, just us 4, all together. And we had a wonderful time! I'm sure you two will too.


jk xx