Monday, November 26, 2007

Its been a while

I keep meaning to blog but things keep stopping me.
One of the major things that is happening here is that my mum is dying.
Three years ago she was diagnosed with Renal cancer and it had spread to her lungs. They removed the kidney and tumor which was huge. She was then OK up until recently. In July she got what we thought was Gout but later turned out to be bone cancer. In September after a CT scan we were told that the cancer had spread to her Bones, Liver and Breast. Since then she has really gone down hill.
She is now in a hospice and her kidney is failing so we have been told that we will lose her in the next week or so.
On Saturday we told Dom that she's dying and so far he has taken it really well. I am leaving it up to him as to whether or not he wants to see her and so far he does. So tomorrow he's having the day off school so we can go to see her (it's more important).
I'm sort out support for him so that there are people he can talk to and things we can do to remember her in a positive way. One thing we are going to do is a memory box as i think that will help him in the long term.

It's a dreadful time of year but we must get on with it