Thursday, July 19, 2007

Getting back to normal

Well i hope so.
Dom went away at the weekend for a few days with my brother and his wife to the Isle of Wight.
I stayed home as it was the weekend of my crop.
The crop was very quiet but we had a good day and everyone enjoyed themselves. I taught a fab canvas (that i will upload a pickie of as soon as i have one)
As it was my weekend of freedom i had a date with a guy i met online and have met once before. We have been texting and talking most days and get on really well. Anyway he ended up in hospital (no it wasn't anything that i did). He's fine now but has to take it easy for a while.
We will see each other as soon as we can.

Last day of school for Dom tomorrow. so that means he's home for SIX WEEKS. What fun.
Shouldn't be too bad this year as he is booked into a play scheme for 3 weeks of it. He will be picked up and dropped off everyday. It will be really good for him.

Saturday is my brothers birthday which also means its the anniversary of my mums diagnosis. Its been 3 years now. We never thought she would still be here now. So its a big family dinner then, i think its going to be Chinese.

Now i need to sort out a child free weekend to make up for this one. Wish me luck

1 comment:

Lyzzydee said...

Iam worried about the effect you have on men!! Look forward to the holidays, they are great fun!!!