Saturday, October 21, 2006

No computer

I spent the day yesterday without my computer as it decided to be temperamental. I had to turn it off and then it wouldn't turn back on. Dom was upset as he is a member of an Internet club for kids that is good fun and he couldn't go on there and play. He's made up for it today as been hogging the computer since 7am. I've sent him to his room so i can be on here.

As I'm on my own most of the time i have this as a lifeline and fine it important form of contact to the outside world. Most days if it wasn't for Dom and needing to go to the shop every now and then I'd never leave the house. I'm not agoraphobic (well not all the time) but over the past couple of years i find myself in that situation every now and then. I now where it comes from as i started having panic attacks about two years ago. Even thou i haven't have one for a while i still think about it and try not to myself in any situation where it might happen. This sometimes means just not leaving the house or even seeing anyone.

I feel safe online as i know that i can control what i need to.
What would i do if i didn't have this?

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