Friday, February 27, 2009

Ceramics part 3

The above photo is the mould i made in half with the clay ready to come out and be shaped and smoothed to the way i want.

As you can see i have done this one before but i thought i'd do another one as it turned out well

These two are it upside down. Well it's two different ones at different stages of drying

I am so pleased with how this (well them) has turned out.

I have really been enjoying making these and i will being more as i hope that i will be able to sell some (trying to work out how much to charge). They haven't been fired yet but i have been able to colour them with a maroon velvet underglaze. The lighter one was had gone off completely (fully dried) and the other one is leatherhard (still damp) so there is a difference in the shade, i don't know if this will change as it drys but i will find out next week. They are now waiting to go into the kiln. Oh yes to get the colour on i painted it on like you would paint anything and it was so easy. You can get the underglaze in alsorts of colours so i can do a whole range of these.

Anyway i still have work to do and i will take photos of these in use which i can't wait for.


Elizabeth said...

Wow - amazing! You are one talented person. Hope they sell well for you.

Hello, I'm Vicki said...

wow you are doing really well with your ceramics, good luck with it xxx

Heather said...

You seem to be busy, don't forget us at UKS! :)
They are looking really good, Beth.

McMGrad89 said...

I saw a canvas of yours with inchies at SIStv, noticed that you hadn't been on in a very long while and thought I would check out your blog. I am impressed with your ceramics work.
Best wishes on completing that degree.

Annemarie (mommyvictory)